Automatic mode

Henjin provides the opportunity to liquidity providers to set their liquidity to automatic mode through Automated Liquidity Managers. These efficient liquidity strategies remove the need for manually moving around your liquidity ranges,

Select a provider

Henjin curates the best ALMs in the market. Current options include :

Select a strategy

Each provider has different strategies, here's a summary of available strategies on Henjin :

  • The wide-range strategy will tend to earn less in fees and rewards but may suffer less impermanent loss in a volatile environment. So while it may have less earning potential, it is likely to suffer fewer drawdowns ;

  • The narrow-range strategy will tend to earn more in fees and rewards, but may potentially incur greater losses in a highly volatile market. Narrow-range strategies tend to do well when there is less volatility or when there are high fees and rewards ;

  • ALO strategy is designed to manage both narrow and wide ranges within a single strategy. ALO dynamically allocates liquidity in response to market volatility and fluctuations, aiming for consistent returns and reduced impermanent loss ;

  • Single-token deposit is a concentrated liquidity provision algorithm that generates compelling returns with simple and painless user experience. Users deposit a single token and earn passive returns while the algorithm actively accumulates your preferred token and earns fees.

Input amounts and approve

To proceed with creating a position, start by granting approval. (This is solely necessary for the initial liquidity provision involving a token). Following approval in your wallet, proceed to click on Create position.

Create position & collect fees

Your position is now actively contributing liquidity and earning trading fees. Additionally, it accumulates farming emissions (if emitted for your position's pair).

  • To monitor your positions, click on a pool after successfully creating a position.

  • Note that trading fees auto-compound within the LP. When you withdraw the LP, you will receive the initially paired assets along with earned trading fees

Last updated